Become a League Member!

League membership is open to anyone interested in promoting and supporting roller derby as an athletic endeavor at the community, state and national level. Those interested in becoming a skating league member must first attend one of our designated newbie practice sessions or get a jump start on at our yearly Bootcamp weekend. You must be 18 year of age or older to join. For more information contact us at LADERBYDAMES@GMAIL.COM
What you will need to start as a skater:
- Quad Skates
- Knee Pads
- Elbow Pads
- Wrist Guards
- Helmet
Loaner gear is available for drop in skaters and at newbie practices on a first come, first served basis.
Transfer Skaters Welcome! Please send us an email providing your current league, your minimum skills status and when you plan to attend your first LADD practice. A letter of recommendation may be required.
Become an Official!
Referees and Non-Skating Officials

We couldn’t play roller derby without them!
There are two types of roller derby officials: on-skates Referees and Non-
Skating Officials (NSOs). Referees don skates and protective gear and ensure skaters play a safe and fair game. NSOs perform several crucial jobs during a game including score keeping, game timing, penalty tracking.
All interested skaters and non-skaters are welcome to join our officials crew. No experience necessary. You must be 18 years of age or older. For more information contact us at LADDOFFICIALS@GMAIL.COM
Be a Volunteer!
Hosting a roller derby bout is a true labor of love requiring extensive planning and hard work on game day. Every game is completely homemade by skaters, officials and our wonderful friends and family.

Here’s just a short list of what we need for every one of our home games:
- EMTs (2/game)
- Merchandise Table Staff
- Skater Check-in Staff
- Ticket Takers
- Announcers
- Security
- Set up and Tear Down Staff
If you are interested in helping please email us at LADERBYDAMES@GMAIL.COM and please check out our volunteer page on Facebook for updates.