Derby name: Juneaux Kittyhawk Number: 297 Derby Nickname: Juno Significance of name/number: Kittyhawk, NC is where the first flight took place back in 1903 and Juneaux is a play on my real name Juniper/Juno for short along with a beautiful city in Alaska. Derbyversary: October 2021 Favorite Food: Anything Thai or Vietnamese Pre-game song: Lord… Read More
Wookie Mistake
Derby name: Wookie Mistake Number: 22 Derby Nickname: Wookie Significance of name/number: Big Star Wars nerd; I would always draw Wookies on Ginger’s things in high school, my hair is Wookie colored, ha! Derbyversary: August 2021 Outside of Derby: Currently a kindergarten IA, in school to be an occupational therapy assistant. Favorite Derby Position: Not sure yet! Favorite… Read More
Ginger Snap
Derby name: Ginger Snap Number: 8 Derby Nickname: Ginger Significance of name/number: I don’t have a soul, but I’m one tough cookie. Derbyversary: August 2021 Favorite Derby Position:Brace, Jam timing Favorite Food: Potatoes Why Derby? Team sports are fun!
Venus Thigh Trap
Derby name: Venus Thigh Trap Number: 305 Derby Nickname: Venus Significance of name/number: 3/05 is my birthday! Derbyversary: June 2021 Favorite Derby Position: I don’t have one yet! Favorite Food: Dumplings Why derby? It gets me excited to exercise! And the amount of community is one of my favorite parts about it!
Tits Banshee
Derby name: Tits Banshee Number: 53 Derby Nickname: Tits Significance of name/number: It’s the summation of the numbers in the date I officially joined derby – 7/25/21 Derbyversary: I started skating when I was about 4 years old – in 1999 Favorite Derby Position: My favorite position is currently a tie between jamming and blocking Favorite… Read More
Higgs Bosom
Derby name: Higgs Bosom Number: 0.734 Derby Nickname: Higgs Significance of name/number: I am a nuclear/particle physicist. My name is a pun on the “Higgs boson,” a fundamental particle in high-energy physics. My jersey number is the energy of a special nuclear resonance state that was the subject of my PhD work. Derbyversary: June 2021 Favorite… Read More
Fleetwood Smacc
Derby name: Fleetwood Smacc Number: 455 Derby Nickname: Smacc Significance of name/number: Derbyversary: Favorite Derby Position: Favorite Food: Pre-game song: Why derby?
Lou Tenant Chaos
Derby name: Lou Tenant Chaos Number: 724 Derby Nickname: Lou Significance of name/number: I wanted my nickname to be Lou after my grandpa and chaos is just the story of my life/Both of my boys’ due dates Derbyversary: February 2021 Favorite Position:Blocker with a bit of brace action Favorite Food: Green Chicken Chile melt from Boese Brothers Pre-game… Read More
Derby name: BAMPF! Number: 10 Derby Nickname: BAMPF! Significance of name/number: Derbyversary: Outside of derby: Favorite Position: Favorite Food: Pre-game song: Why derby?
Rissa Rampage
Derby name: Rissa Rampage Number: 239 Derby Nickname: Rissa Significance of name/number: Area code to home town Derbyversary: January 2018 Favorite Position: Blocker Favorite Food: Burgers Pre-game song: Queen of the Kings by Alessandra or Freak by Timmy Trumpet and Savage Why derby? Cause it’s the best!!! Amazing sport with amazing people!