Derby name: BAMPF! Number: 10 Derby Nickname: BAMPF! Significance of name/number: Derbyversary: Outside of derby: Favorite Position: Favorite Food: Pre-game song: Why derby?
Atomic Thunder
Derby name: Atomic Thunder Number: 25 Significance of name/number: Derbyversary: Favorite Position: Goal for this season: Why derby?
Derby name: MelOMel Derby Nickname: Mel Significance of name/number: Derbyversary: Outside of derby: Favorite Position: Favorite Food: Pre-game song: Why derby?
Lola Bipola
Derby name: Lola Bipola Number: 296 Derby Nickname: Lola Bips Significance of name/number: I am in fact bipolar! 296 is the diagnosis code for BPD in the DSM Derbyversary: January 2012 Outside of derby: Administrative Assistant Favorite Position: Blocker Favorite Food: Tacos Pre-game song: Operator by Jim Croce & other songs that make me feel… Read More
Derby name: Uberlicious Number (if applicable): 42 Officiating since: On-skates/off-skates/both:
Derby name: Ferociraptor (Raptor) Number: 26 Significance of name/number: My name is a pun on ferocious and velociraptor (I love dinosaurs and puns). My number is 26 because Ferociraptor sounds a bit like Ferrumciraptor. Ferrum is iron, which is element 26 in the periodic table. *RAWR I am the iron raptor!* 2/6 also happens to… Read More
Sunday, March 13th at
Newbie Orientation/Practice Join us on Sunday March 13th for a meet and greet! We have spare gear on hand if you’re interested in trying on skates! Ask questions, get answers! We are recruiting skaters of all skill levels, Referees and Non-Skating Officials as well as collecting a list of volunteers for the season. Derby is… Read More
Saturday, August 22nd at 3pm
The Bombs square off against the Duke City Juggernaughties
Wednesday, September 23rd at 6:00 PM
League Meeting
Wednesday, September 30th at 6:30-7:30
Newbie Practice